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Young volunteer to help western region schools

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A BATCH of young people from Jiading District volunteers to help develop the provinces of Yunnan and Sichuan,Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and Tibet Autonomous Region every year.

Shanghai University selects 10to 15 students annually to join the volunteer services for the country's western regions.However,the number of students signing up for the event usually amounts to 50or 60.

“After one-year volunteering,most of the students can gain some social experiences and have a clearer idea of career planning,”said Jin Linglin,chief of the all-round development department of the Youth League from shanghai University.“Some students may extend their term of service to two or even three years when the one-year project concludes.”

Jiading District has developed a supporting education project for Yunnan Province over a decade.Young and middle-aged teachers in Jiading District will volunteer to assist in improving schooling in backward areas every year.So far,a total of 53 teachers have partici-pated in the volunteer project.

“It will be inevitable to encoun-ter bottleneck for one's career development,if staying at the same place for rather a long ti me.The re-placement may bring about a shift of thoughts,”said Zhu Hongjun,who took part in the volunteer sup-porting education project in 2008.

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