“Unlimited search Fun—A Diplomat's Unusual Collection”Writtenby Xie Qiang; published by Longmen Publishing House Thirty years ago,he traveled to Africa,appreciating the beauty of the land,though it was poor,that cannot be noticed by those who are eager for quick success and instant benefits.Twenty years ago,he went to Paris,wandering along ancient bridges,streets and lanes,antique stores and crowded flea markets to explore the Paris of Parisian.
“The Richest Man in Babylon”Writtenby George S.Clason;translated by LiuAiyi; published by China Renmin University Press The author,a well-known Us financial specialist,teaches readersmethods to get rich with stories of the richest man in Babylon,the richest country ever in history.The book provides fascinating financial wisdom that can be adapted to modern dates.
“Oprah:A Biography”
Writtenby Kitty Kelley; translated by Qian Feng; published byJiangsu People's Publishing House The book reveals the legendary life of American talk show host Oprah Winfrey.It gives readers an intimate look at Oprah by disclosing the misery and happiness the media queen has faced in life.
Where to borrowbooks: Jiading District Library Address:No.40,Lane 34,Qinghe Rd,Jiading Town
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