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How to apply for permanent residenCe permits in China

阅读量:932    本文字数:314

ACCORDING to the Law of the People's Republic of China on Control of the Entry and Ex it of Aliens,foreigners can visit China for a short stay,prolonged resi-dence and permanent residence.Foreigners will be issued visas which are valid for up to a year for short stays like travelling,visiting family members and doing business in China.Those who study,work and invest in China will be issued residence permits or visas that are valid for one to five years.Foreigners are el igible for permanent residencein China upon approval by the related authorities of the Chinese government.If they get perma-nent residence perm its,they can exit and enter the country without getting a Chinese visa.The following materials are required for a foreigner to apply for a permanent residence permit:a completed application form,a valid passport or counterpart credential,a health certificate issued by a hygiene quarantine agency designated by the Chinesegovernment or by a foreign hygiene medical agency autho-rized by the Chinese embassy or consulate in that country.A certificate of no criminal record in the country concerned as issued by the Chinese embassy or consulate in that country,four recently-taken 2-inch bareheaded and full-faced photos.Applicants for permanent resi-dence in China should apply and submit materials to the Shanghai Exit-Entry Bureau at 1500 Minsheng Road,Pudong NewArea.They can go through all of the procedures by themselves or entrust authorized entities such as a relative,national authorities or law offices.Materials of appli-cants under the age of 18 should be subm itted by their parents or authorized entities.In the case of applying through attorneys or authorized entities,appl icants should write and sign letters of attorney.If attorneys are their relatives,applicants should point out their family relations and why they entrust them to apply.

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