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From nomads to modern cars: a history of leather

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Yin Qinqin and Yu Hong

In cooperation with the Shanghai Art and Design Academy and the HSF Leather Carving and Art Inheritor Institution, the Shanghai Auto Museum has launched the “Leather World — Theme Exhibition of Chinese Leather Culture and Art” to showcase traditional leather art. 

Originating with nomadic minorities, leather art in China shows invaluable features.

And the craftsmanship and techniques have become diversified as the craft spread throughout the country.

The exhibition is the largest focusing on leather throughout China’s history with more than 170 pieces on display.

It comprises several themes including traditional art and craft, cars, travel and commuting and creative ideas.

The travel exhibits include items such as traditional saddles used by nomads, bicycle seats, motorcycle helmets and the interiors of modern cars.

The curator of the exhibition aims to showcase the infinite possibilities of linking automobiles and art.

Apart from the exhibition, activities such as a cultural and creative design competition, an academic forum and interactive handmade craft are included.

‘Leather World’ exhibition

Date: Through August 22

Venue: Shanghai Auto Museum

Address: 7565 Boyuan Rd


A bamboo carving with the poem “Snow, on the Pattern of Qinyuanchun” written by Chairman Mao Zedong.

Above: Cheng Peichu, teacher of porcelain carving, created two red, square vitrolite pieces with the theme of the site of the First National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the Red Boat of the Congress. Right: Bamboo carving works created by students.

“Red Hat,” created by haipai (Shanghai’s East-Meets-West style) jade sculpture master Hua Guojin and his students

Yao Chenyang’s wood-carving “The Business Journey” creates a scene of a team of businessmen traveling through the Gobi desert to the West through the ancient Silk Road. 

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