ZF launches Asia-Pacific HQ in Shanghai for its PSS division
ZF LIFETEC is a leading provider of passive safety technology.
Staff Reporters
THE ZF LIFETEC Asia Pacific hosted a relocation ceremony in Jiading earlier this month, officially open-ing its new headquarters building.
Situated at 4268 Bao’an highway in Anting Town and covering over 19,000 square meters, the new building houses a number of func-tional departments, including R&D, Sales, Quality, Project Management, Purchasing and Finance, to support and provide services to the Asia-Pacific region as well as the global business.
This move underscores the company’s steadfast commitment to expanding its presence in the Asia-Pacific market and marks a new phase in the development of ZF LIFeTeC, which was rebranded from its Passive Safety System (PSS) division in March.
A 3,500-square-meter R&D lab will be established in the future.
Last year, the ZF Group decided to operate its Passive Safety Systems division independently and estab-lish a separate company for the Asia-Pacific region.
To support this, district and town-level authorities in Jiading worked closely to find a suitable location for the company. The Anting economic Development Center helped lease and renovate the Taidong Business Building for ZF, creating space for the company’s growth.
As a globally renowned automo-tive parts supplier, the ZF Group has long been dedicated to delivering cutting-edge products and systems for passenger cars, commercial vehicles and industrial technology sectors.
ZF LIFETEC, a leading provider of passive safety equipment, boasts a global presence with 48 locations across 20 countries and commands over 20 percent of the global sales market share in its core product categories.
The company has competitive advantages in key areas such as electric vehicles, autonomous driv-ing, and smart cockpits.
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