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Nanxiang conference spotlights smart manufacturing, robotics

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Intelligent manufacturing and robotics are key drivers in transforming and upgrading the global manufacturing sector. — Jin Yukai


Jin Yukai and Ye Fengting

THE 2024 international in-telligent Manufacturing and Robotics industry Develop-ment Conference was held recently in Nanxiang Town.

The event brought together industry experts, scholars and business representatives from around the world to discuss cutting-edge technologies, development trends, oppor-tunities and challenges in intelligent manufacturing and robotics.

Several enterprises signed cooperation agreements at the event. Shanghai university and the Shanghai Construc-tion Group investment Co Ltd agreed to collaborate on industry-academia-research projects focused on various smart robots, such as con-struction robots and intelligent explosion-proof inspection robots.

During a presentation ses-sion, participants discussed the latest technological advancements and future ap-plications of all-terrain robots, humanoid robots, pipeline ro-bots and construction robots. These robots demonstrated sig-nificant potential in complex environment operations, hu-man-computer interaction and intelligent decision-making.

The conference also marked the launch of the intelligent Manufacturing + Humanoid Robotics innovation Coop-eration alliance, designed to promote collaborative research in the field. intelligent manu-facturing and robotics are key drivers for the transformation and upgrading of the global manufacturing sector. With the rapid development of ar-tificial intelligence, big data and the internet of Things, the industry is poised for unprece-dented growth opportunities.

Nanxiang Town, which host-ed the conference, has seen remarkable advancements in the intelligent manufactur-ing sector over recent years, with the total industry out-put reaching 8 billion yuan (uS$1.1 billion).

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